Mike Hutira

Owner at Return Polymers Inc - Ashland, OH, US

Mike Hutira's Contact Details
Return Polymers Inc
Mike Hutira's Company Details
Return Polymers Inc logo, Return Polymers Inc contact details

Return Polymers Inc

Ashland, OH, US • 100 - 249 Employees

Return Polymers processes over 60 million pounds of recyclables a year, and with a management team that has over 100 years of collective polymer expertise, we are committed to making sure businesses thrive in a market focused on sustainability. We help companies to lower their cost of raw materials, increase the value of their excess materials, and partner with them to provide sustainable PVC solutions. We are the only North American PVC recycling operation equipped to help businesses improve their supply chain and incorporate lean manufacturing into their operations! Return Polymers uses the latest technologies, including closed loop recycling, automatic material handling, optical sortation, custom blending, pelletizing, and many more. We are committed to providing quality proprietary products that can be tailored for the unique applications businesses need, creating PVC polymer blends like the way traditional compound manufacturers use raw materials – except with 100% recycled sources. And as a founding member of the Vinyl Sustainability Council (VSC), businesses know they can count on us to be a leader in environmental stewardship. We serve clients in every PVC market segment, including siding, windows, fence, pipe, sheet, electrical, point of purchase, custom extrusion, appliance, flooring, and cellular. And we are driven by our core tenants of Safety, Quality, Integrity, and Customer, which has resulted in unparalleled safety records, product consistency, customer satisfaction, supply chain excellence, technical leadership, environmental sustainability, and cost effectiveness. Add sustainable value and continue your company's path to becoming a flourishing enterprise by choosing Return Polymers as your partner today! Return Polymers serves clients in every PVC market segment. To see how you can advance your business's efforts to reduce waste, and increase your bottom line, connect with us.

Details about Return Polymers Inc
Frequently Asked Questions about Mike Hutira
Mike Hutira currently works for Return Polymers Inc.
Mike Hutira's role at Return Polymers Inc is Owner.
Mike Hutira's email address is ***@returnpolymers.com. To view Mike Hutira's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Mike Hutira works in the Renewables & Environment industry.
Mike Hutira's colleagues at Return Polymers Inc are Kevin CSCP, Perry Tanner, Perry Tanner, Steven Bartish, Chelsea Boyd, Kaitlin Elliott, Brevin Bryant and others.
Mike Hutira's phone number is 419-289-1998
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