EXECULYTICS is a responsive company that provides expertise in the produce supply and grocery retail channels. Vast experience in the grocery business with a special passion for fresh foods, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables provides the credentials that enable specialized service.Understanding the inner workings of a retail organization is vital for any Produce Supplier to succeed. The Retail 101 seminar provides practical insight into what makes a produce buying operation successful including how buyers interact with suppliers. It can make any produce supplier a better partner for their customers. In fact, retailers would thank you for it.Good Canadian data is hard to come by and expensive. Our Canadian benchmark studies and Produce DNA subscription service aim to get that Canadian intelligence into the hands of our customers. And they do so efficiently, while speaking the language of produce all within a budget you won't find with the big data organizations.Produce commodity markets go up and produce commodity markets come down, sometimes it seems with no rhyme or reason. In reality though, the markets are very cyclical. The Produce Almanac demonstrates this fact about produce. It is the most comprehensive, objective review of the produce markets available and it's an Execulytics exclusive.