70% of U.S. workers are not engaged at work. -Gallup PollOur Mission is to elevate the droning, passive existence of untapped giftedness witnessed in the everyday workplace and typical American lifestyle by fully engaging individuals and organizations to embrace the grand venture of life. Venture Call, LLC is a leading proponent of the entrepreneurial mindset, engaging individuals and organizations with the opportunity to activate untapped giftedness and aptitude. Founder, Michael Mikeworth, has been in the people business for 20+ years in a variety of settings, though all with the same purpose, helping people discover their own giftedness and value. Venture Call, LLC is a continuation of that mission, launched on the foundation that each person is uniquely designed to fulfill a calling that provides the world with something that no other person can provide. Whether a home-maker, in business, working in a non-profit organization, or serving in a government post, each person has a special contribution to make. Embracing the entrepreneurial mindset stimulates creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, communication and other entrepreneurial skills that motivate and inspire the fullness of living in the authenticity of your unique design. Venture Call, LLC specializes in calling upon the full capacity of giftedness within any individual or team of individuals, who find themselves in a state of seeking and willingness, and mobilizing that giftedness for the purpose of a full and meaningful existence. We stand ready to help with your personal and organizational needs.