With a combined 100 years of experience of pasta filata cheese and 50 years trading experience CFSL and its associated companies can supply the full range of products and services to enable our customers take advantage of modern developments in the pasta filata area.The initial focus for CFSL was to develop a range of pasta filata cheeses for use as an ingredient or as a finished product in third country markets. We supply technical knowledge, recipes and plant and machinery to EU cheese producers to help them diversify into pasta filata type cheeses. We also spply raw materials, recipes and technical support to end users in third counties to enable them to produce a range of cheeses from Mozzarella to Kashkaval for their home markets.CFSL also has a trading and brokerage operation covering cheese, butter, WMP, SMP fat filled powders, casein and MPC's. We are very selective in choosing our partners and focus on product quality and reliable service.