WILKINSON CHUTES CANADA ® - (WCC) has pioneered North American chute system design and innovation for decades and offers the industry leading 20 year warranty with our unique "Sloped Throat" design. The fully welded Intake Sections insure materials immediately drop to the bottom, without catching or snagging. Traditionally, the WASTE Disposal chute system was combined with a Garbage Compactor to minimize waste collection requirements. Our linen chutes include ULc side hinged doors with a locking feature. Recycling Systems are evolving, diverting waste from disposal – WCC offers quality system solutions to meet the local requirements. We have innovated safe, effective systems which can now include a wireless building automation technology. WCC benefits new construction projects by insuring that developers, architects, mechanical consultants, builders and trades can rely on our advice, aided by CAD design - delivering on-time, on-budget, deficiency free systems. SERVICE & SUPPORT WILKINSON CHUTES CANADA ® service and customer support is a WCC key strength. Our organizations' 20 vehicle fleet has inventory on board. Our expertly trained team of qualified technicians is here to safely service your building. We not only service what we manufacture, but all makes and models. We offer scheduled Preventative Maintenance (PM) programs to insure you are operating in compliance.