Stakk the Odds in Your Favour and Reap the Rewards of Your New Customer FloodOur specialty: Plugging business into "The Internet of Things""The Internet of Things" (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.Messenger Marketing is the future, and the future is here.Experts agree, 85% of "business – customer" interaction will happen via technology. Naturally, a huge segment of this communication will be via chat and instant messaging applications. Our specialty is introducing your client to IOT via various media entry points: FB ads, Google, Video, Website Chat, Social Platforms and more. Once a lead is captured, we leverage both the power of instant connectivity and the billions of consumers who already use Facebook Messenger daily. Mediastakk360 uses Messenger Marketing to help businesses not only capture leads for 1,000% more effective marketing but also directly drive sales.The Funnel ConceptHarnessing the power of 1.3 Billion daily active users and FB Messenger's harmoniously seamless integration with both web chat and AI powered personal interaction we will help you grow your marketable audience base exponentially.The Integration- The MediastakkYour power is in the list - the list of laser targeted, absorbed, and engaged consumers just waiting to become your customer. It is true of course- but the list is useless without a way to leverage the lead information you've gathered.The ResultsThe results speak for themselves. You will watch in real time as your marketable audience grows, your walk-in traffic, website traffic, and phone calls all increase meaning of course, your sales and revenue go up.Local Marketing has come light-years since the days of key words and meta-tags. Shouldn't your Marketing Agency have kept up