The Southeast Michigan Sustainable Business Forum (SMSBF) envisions a local, diverse, resilient, just, and democratically led triple bottom line business community and economy in Detroit and SE Michigan.To pursue its vision, SMSBF publishes relevant and timely content about sustainable triple bottom-line (people, planet and prosperity) strategies and practices. Its readers and subscribers have access to live (and virtual) events, workshops, webinars, newsletters, podcasts and videos created by local, national and international subject matter experts to help organizations advance social, environmental and economic justice.We believe a local, diverse, resilient, just and democratically led triple bottom line business community can thrive and prosper by working together to influence public policy, supply chains and shared business practices. Further, we believe the talent and know-how necessary to tackle the wicked problems of our day is right here in Detroit and SE Michigan. Our role is to provide the means by which the Detroit and SE Michigan talent can connect, discover and learn about all things having to do with sustainable business and a resilient, just and sustainable local economy.