APEX Pumping Equipment was founded in March of 1996. The premise for going into business was to make a difference for the customer. All too often companies are driven by the bottom line without listening to what the customer is saying. Brad Clemmons, President of APEX Pumping Equipment recognized the need for exceptional customer treatment! Prior to starting the business Brad saw measures taking place in the industry which contradicted his beliefs and values. This disturbed him enough to start his own company. It has been from this premise that APEX has been able to observe continued growth from the one man operation covering northern Illinois in 1996 to today where a TEAM of 17 individuals have come together to serve a 5 state region. The APEX TEAM unknowingly cultivated its slogan without realizing it until one day a few years back we asked ourselves, how are we different from the rest? 0thers have products and service just as we do but what separates us from the rest is what we do with those products and how they are applied to the customer's needs. Hence, our slogan "WE SUPPLY SOLUTIONS"!