Producer Activity conducts insurance prospecting boot camps.Learning the skills to create activity is one of the most important steps in the on-boarding process and making sure tenured producers have the proper tools to succeed is equally important. The insurance industry has gained a heightened awareness of the importance of organic growth. For new producers the ability to introduce them to this necessary skill, and make them productive and effective in the shortest possible time, becomes a critical business issue. Simply put, agencies that get new producers up to speed and prospecting sooner create great learning opportunities, improve on-boarding success and greatly reduce new hire investment cost. For tenured producers, giving them new tools and training to get more "at bats' will give your experienced team the ability to drive the revenue needed for both producer and agency success as well.Agency BenefitsIncreased success of on-boarding producersReduce/Eliminate investment to on-board producersQuicker learning opportunitiesRe-energize producers who are "stuck" and drive revenueProven process improvement for top producers looking for more "at bats"Increased agency valuationMike has championed the changing sale styles through multiple decades moving from the early days' ex-date and transaction selling through solution selling to today's insight selling environment.Contact us today!