The authors of Amplified Content Marketing. We help organizations execute industry leading Internet marketing strategies using automation assisted publishing for content marketing. 1stOnlineTech pioneered the new digital marketing concept called "Amplified Content Marketing", and has put the new concept in production across three industries achieving remarkable results in highly competitive situations. Results are achieved by empowering current staff to participate in the organization's ability to deliver "digital value" over the Internet. Leveraging marketing resources into customer service. Our evolving always-online-interconnected world of people and information is transforming nearly every aspect of today's organizations. Internet Marketing is a continuous process of improving an organization's online presence by coordinating all aspects of marketing and customer service. As Internet Marketing matures, new acronyms are often used to describe different techniques such as SEO, SEM, SMO and content publishing. Marketing still has the same goals it did before the internet, yet today's internet has empowered consumers. This shift has put a burden on marketing to offers its customer value to remain competitive. Amplified Content Marketing by 1stOnlineTech helps make your marketing efforts deliver customer value, and makes content marketing possible for any organization today.