⭐️ Do you ever wish you had a tax specialist in your firm: a partner with an open door so you could have a quick chat about the tax implications of a client issue?⭐️ Do you struggle when your client needs tax advisory work such as planning and implementing an employee share scheme, fundraising using SEIS or EIS or wants to discuss how a shareholder can leave the company?⭐️ Do you worry that clients will feel they have ‘outgrown' your firm and leave if you can't provide a full range of tax services?⭐️ Partnering with Allegro means you can position yourself as a firm able to offer higher value to your clients, therefore cementing your client relationships and offering advice which other firms of your size cannot.⭐️ We work with accountants and lawyers to provide tax support on a project basis or via our Outsourced Tax Partner subscription packages.⭐️ We are Chartered Accountants and Chartered Tax Advisers so you can be confident that you are receiving specialist advice.