Welcome! Hugger Mugger is an odd name, right? It was coined by Shakespeare and means secretive - things done in secret are accomplished in hugger mugger fashion. We fancy ourselves a secret society brewery and play off that concept with updated Masonic imagery throughout our downtown Sanford beer hall and on our branding.Our beer program is adventurous, we brewed over 50 different styles of beer in our first three years. All our beer is brewed with drinkability in mind - our best life (and hopefully yours) is you drinking more than one! This means our beer offerings cover a wide range of styles, our menu typically has 2-3 Belgians, sours, dark and malty beers, herbal/fruited beer and lighter fare.We strive to make our beer approachable. Sours are a great example, we aim to brew a sour that is slightly tart or crisp rather than puckeringly acidic. Also we aim for the best quality ingredients, no grease malts or fake sugars and colorings. When we brew a fruit beer it is made with pureed fruit and not an extract. All of our beers are at least partially carbonated via their own fermentation.The brewery is, like many, family-oriented and community minded. In non-pandemic times we offer everything from May the Fourth Be With You events, to fundraisers, farm-to-table events, food and beer tastings, kids dance parties, live music, food truck rodeos, recliner racing and more. Our beer hall does not have TVs by design - we are the original, and best, form of entertainment for one another. This is the era of screens and it's our act of rebellion to keep them at bay!As a small business we are always looking for beer-centric people to join our crew, either now or in the future. If you would be interested drop us a line at info@huggermuggerbrewing.com and tell us why beer makes your world go 'round!