Industry Leader in Out-of-Home AdvertisingOptimal pricing for extreme levels of Branding and TOMALife Pattern Marketing is the practice of placing companies‟ brand messages on digital screens and billboards that are located where busy people really are: Out and about, living their daily lives.•The psychological impact on a consumer getting brand messages in many different contextual settings permeates the „noise‟ and builds awareness and retention.While traditional mediums (Newspaper/Print, Television and Radio advertising) has become increasingly ineffective.Digital advertising with its repetitive message has shown to be more effective in keeping the advertisers name/product known to existing customers and in attracting new customers……Why?•Advertisers are looking for a different ways to reach the consumers•Traditional methods for reaching consumers are in decline•DVR, "on-demand" viewing, expanded channel options, the introduction of MP3 players, and satellite radio are reducing the consumer reach of Television, Cable and Radio advertising.•The ever increasing influence of the Internet is decreasingboth the revenue and consumer reach of Newspaper Publications.•Consumers are too busy to read junk mail