Knowledge must be shared!We are a community of developers that love to code and help each other. We are looking for smart, friendly, self-directed and intellectually curious people who enjoy programming and want to get significantly better.We are passionate about programming and think that everybody can pick it up or switch to the different field at any time they want, given some amount of motivation, dedication and hard work. Nevertheless, doing that on one's own can be challenging when it comes to continuing without support from surrounding people, such situation really beats the motivation, especially when encountering either boring or impossible to do (at first glance) task or illogical aspect of programming language you can't just grasp. That's the reason behind us getting together and sharing knowledge. Our initiative is community driven, making it super-flexible in terms of adapting to what students want while keeping in mind the main idea - learn something new and do it in a fun way, creating something meaningful along the way.