Dairy Mart is proud to be a part of the Frechef Food Systems family, a division of Dalgety PLC. Our Fruishi branded fruit sushi is made with the finest and freshest ingredients. Onigiri is made with creamy and delicious sweet Dairy Mart coconut milk. It is what we do best!Throughout the year we are invited to participate in hundreds of your life events. Whether we are paired with Fruishi or Granisado, by the pool or in your lunch or on the run throughout your workday, Dairy Marts provide the finest from around the world.Granisadocholado (Columbia)halo halo (Fillipino)chamoyada (Mexico)frio frio, yun yun (Dominican Republic)raspa, raspado (Mexico)piragua (Puerto Rico)minutas (El Salvador)grandizado (Guatemala)cremolada (Peru)raspadinha (Brazil)BaoBing (Taiwanese)Chhoah-peng (Taiwanese)Kakigori (Japan)Patbingsu (Korea)Teuk Kork Chus (Cambodia)Ais kacang ( Malaysian/Singaporean)Namkhaeng sai (Thailand)Gola ganda (Pakistan)Chuski (India)