The Institute of Law and Jurisprudence®, o.p.s. is a scientific and educational institution. Apart from scientific, educational, cultural and publishing activities, we also provide a quality managerial education in the form of vocational MBA programmes.We offer MBA programs from 2005 and since then we educated many managers. Our graduates are employees of prestigous companies like ČEZ, ČSOB, Česká spořitelna, Oracle and so on. Our educational institution is certificated by International Education Society, London (IES). Students can achieve international certificate IES ( a prestigious managerial MBA education and save your free time – the mutual element and advantage of study with us is flexibility. We offer studies which are practice-oriented, vocational and optimised for busy employees – you study in your mother tongue, under the supervision of experts from renowned Czech universities, and you are a distant learner. Our instruction derives from a respect for theories but it mostly operates with everyday practical experience.