IndoTrux, a start-up to organize the highly unorganized second-hand truck selling market in India. The market that has a potential of 13,000-14,000 crore which is at its pinnacle of growth has attracted many players but not so sorted yet. We at IndoTrux are exploring the opportunity and constantly evolving to the thought of organizing this market. IndoTrux is a brainchild of Mr. Nitesh Bagadia, who is also the owner of a logistics company that has sustained a cut-throat competition for over 2 decades and still flourishing along with Mr. Navin Agrawal who is IT major and has done master's from IIIT Delhi and Mr.Pratik Bagde who is also an IT professional. This conglomeration of business acumen and IT expertise firms the very backbone of the company. The second-hand truck selling market though been fragmented, but shows a steady growth. So IndoTrux is aimed at solving this transparency issue in buying and selling of used trucks by providing detailed information about the vehicle, document status, inspection report etc. IndoTrux also helps its customers in buying new trucks by providing specifications, reviews, price, photos, compare features through its portal.