All of us were created to thrive, to prosper. That requires that we understand what we were created for. Growing up for the most part, I had a strong sense of purpose. But in a way it took losing sight of my strengths and weaknesses and getting a little lost to jolt me back to the reality that our purpose really matters. We were not designed by accident, and we shouldn't pursue life haphazardly as if we were.God created each of us with a plan, and He calls us by name and leads us. So let's take a minute and sync our hearts with His. Align our dreams and desires. Then as our soul prospers, so will we.My name is Milton and throughout my life I have had a passion to help others. After enough hints from others, I came to realize that a lot of what I was doing was one-on-one coaching. So I pursued some training to hone that gift a little, and became a certified Life and Leadership Coach with Leadership Coaching Canada.If you are looking to step into your next level of purpose and destiny, I would be glad to see if I could help you. I offer a complimentary coaching session to first time clients so they can discover how coaching may help them, and also to see if I am the right coach for them.May God bless you, and may you richly prosper!Milton Friesen