CRVENI KENGUR je agencija za integrisane komunikacije koja nudi usluge marketinga koje mogu zadovoljiti sve potrebe klijenata na jednom mestu. Implementiramo dijapazon različitih marketinških strategija kroz objedinjeni pristup. Naš tim profesionalaca iz različitih oblasti marketinga i kominukacija radi zajedno na planiranju i realizovanju kampanja koje rezultiraju efikasnim, koherentnim, doslednim i samim tim efektivnim rezultatima kampanja. Radimo sa klijentima različitih ciljnih grupa, kako za lokalno tržište tako i za globalne potrebe.CRVENI KENGUR is integrated marketing and communications agency offering comprehensive range of services for all of your marketing needs under one roof. We plan and implement a range of different marketing strategies in one cohesive effort. Our team of professionals with different areas of expertise across a wide range of marketing and communications disciplines work together to make sure our clients' campaigns are as efficient, coherent, consistent and, therefore, as effective as possible. Our clients have different target groups, both within local and global markets.