Director Of Admissions at Floridian Institute/H.E.R.I - Miami, Florida, United States
This working group will show you what to look for, when you are considering a strong preparation program and how the HERI NCLEX Review course will help you to ACE the NCLEX-RN Test. You need strategies and tools to tackle the tough/tricky questions on the NCLEX... and believe me, they are all terrible. The NCLEX exam quickly evaluates your performance and gives you questions that the computer assesses that you only have a 50% chance of getting correct. Here is how you can "walk" into the exam with trust and confidence. First, find out if a course teaches proven learning strategies, or do they just put content at your already exhausted brain? Having a course review with a solid basis in instructional design is crucial.The HERI NCLEX-RN WORKING GROUP focuses on teaching strategies that will allow you to apply the knowledge you already have, and to ROCK questions about material that you have never seen before at nursing school.Second, does the course teach the appropriate "have to know" content, or do they include material that is to know.Content that you may see but don't need it in order to pass the test? You don't want to absorb excessive information prior to the exam. Your study time is so crucial and limited; it is important to focus on the "have to understand" information.Lastly, is a course focused on strategies and applied critical thinking, or do they only review the same material you learned in your old days at nursing school? Because the NCLEX-RN test is a computer adaptive exam, may be you are going to see questions regarding topics, which maybe you have never seen in your life as a nursing student?. How do you plan to answer those hard questions without a correct and unique strategy? So what is your NCLEX game plan? Book a preparation with us and get ready to ACE the NCLEX totally tomorrow!HERI group.