Miriam Downey

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manager at CF Pharma - Kilkenny, N/A, ie

Miriam Downey's Contact Details
Dublin,San Juan de Lurigancho,Lima,Peru
CF Pharma
Miriam Downey's Company Details
CF Pharma logo, CF Pharma contact details

CF Pharma

Kilkenny, N/A, ie • 20 - 49 Employees
Major Drugs

CF Pharma is an ISO 13485 and HACCP accredited company based in Kilkenny, Ireland. Founded in 2014 with the aim of providing the full healthcare solution to the Human and Veterinary market. We manufacture on site at our 25,000 square foot facility a range of novel specific Health Food Supplements, Medical Device Formulations and Advanced Topical Dermatological Solutions both for Human and Animal Healthcare. We look on our distributors as part of our team and strive to provide a full service from concept to market to grow both our company and theirs. We pride ourselves on our formulations using only the best raw materials to make powerful claims all backed by clinical data.Our customer service has always been a very high priority and is second to none.Winners of Overall Business of the Year 2019 by Kilkenny Chamber of Commerce.Voted Best Business Pivot in the Pandemic 2022

Details about CF Pharma
Frequently Asked Questions about Miriam Downey
Miriam Downey currently works for CF Pharma.
Miriam Downey's role at CF Pharma is Quality Assurance Quality Control Manager.
Miriam Downey's email address is ***@cfpharma.ie. To view Miriam Downey's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Miriam Downey works in the Medical Devices industry.
Miriam Downey's colleagues at CF Pharma are Shannon Fogarty, Lil Rowe, Sarah Deegan, Teet Leontjev, Norbert Szilagyi, Alison McGrath and others.
Miriam Downey's phone number is N/A
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