Each year, over 12.3 billion dollars is spent on marketing. Half of that amount is wasted because those dollars fail to help businesses meet their goals. But it's not like this is done on purpose. In fact, we all know the benefits of marketing and what it can do. The problem is, however, we are doing it all wrong.Most companies waste time and money doing marketing themselves. Or, even if they hire a "marketer" or an agency, the results are often disappointing and the investment doesn't make sense. That's because without the proper marketing framework to follow, you won't get the results your business deserves.Klasser Marketing provides marketing courses and services grounded in a 3-part marketing framework to help you acquire customers, keep customers, and stay profitable. Whether you need to become a better marketer yourself by taking our online course or you need us to lead your business's marketing strategy, we can help.Don't let all your hard work go to waste. It's time to execute a marketing strategy that works and will do what marketing is supposed to do: align with your business goals.