Miss Brown

Teacher at Sir John Lawes School - Harpenden, ENG, UK

Miss Brown's Colleagues at Sir John Lawes School
Karen West

Science Technician

Contact Karen West

Lucy Caldicott

Assistant Head of Science

Contact Lucy Caldicott

David Toy

Head of Mathematics

Contact David Toy

Tom Rivers

IT Systems Manager

Contact Tom Rivers

Sophie Scott

Head of Computing & Lead Practitioner in New Technologies

Contact Sophie Scott

View All Miss Brown's Colleagues
Miss Brown's Contact Details
Saint Albans,England,United Kingdom
Sir John Lawes School
Miss Brown's Company Details
Sir John Lawes School logo, Sir John Lawes School contact details

Sir John Lawes School

Harpenden, ENG, UK • 250 - 499 Employees

Recognised at both a county and national level Sir John Lawes (SJL) is a very popular school and we are proud of our record of academic success and the impact this has on the life chances of our students.Judged to be ‘Outstanding' by Ofsted and recognised by the Government as a high-performing school, students of all abilities and backgrounds make significant progress at SJL.Over 90% of students make the expected national curriculum level or higher in English, Maths and Science by the end of Key Stage 3.Almost all students achieve 5 or more GCSE passes or equivalent and over 85% of students achieving 4+ in both English and Maths.At Advanced level our students achieve some of the best A Level results in the county enabling entry to the most competitive university courses.

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Details about Sir John Lawes School
Frequently Asked Questions about Miss Brown
Miss Brown currently works for Sir John Lawes School.
Miss Brown's role at Sir John Lawes School is Teacher.
Miss Brown's email address is ***@sjl.herts.sch.uk. To view Miss Brown's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Miss Brown works in the Primary/secondary Education industry.
Miss Brown's colleagues at Sir John Lawes School are Ellie Pannaman, Sarah McCarthy, Karen West, Lucy Caldicott, David Toy, Tom Rivers, Sophie Scott and others.
Miss Brown's phone number is
See more information about Miss Brown