Hello Beloved,What is your Soul calling you to do?❤ Write the book you have within?❤ Start that business you have been dreaming of?❤ Help others by bringing your gifts to the world?❤ Have more FREEDOM?…and for some reason you just can't make a move. Maybe you just cannot see how it could work or a voice inside your head tells you that you are unworthy or it will not work. You may have a great life and good job and still feel unfulfilled. So, your dreams keep being put on the back burner for another day.If so, my heart goes out to you. I have been there and it is not am easy journey. As a child I never felt like I belonged here on Earth. I wanted to go home ("Aliens, come take me away" was my motto). I felt like no one was speaking their truth and did not really care about others. I was looking for people and my job to give me the love I longed for. Many years later I was physically ill, unhappy and unfulfilled to the core of my being.Now I know I am loved just for being me. I want to be here on Earth and have understanding and compassion for others on their journey. I am no longer sick.I know that those voices, feelings and fears can be cleared and released.