Publications Associate at Ikeda Center for Peace, Learning, and Dialogue - Cambridge, MA, us
Founded in 1993 by Buddhist philosopher, peacebuilder, and educator Daisaku Ikeda, the Ikeda Center's mission is to build cultures of peace through learning and dialogue. All of our work is aimed at helping to establish a shared global ethic across cultures and religions—an ethic based on respect for the absolute sanctity of life itself, a firm belief in the human potential for good and for transforming the world, and a clear recognition of the interdependence of all life. Our programs include the development of multi-author books on topics in peace, learning, and dialogue; a fellows program to advance research on a humanistic form of learning called value-creating education; an annual Ikeda Forum for Intercultural Dialogue; and "Dialogue Nights" for college students and young professionals. These programs are inspired by founder Daisaku Ikeda's belief that open-hearted, open-minded dialogue presents humankind with the surest path to peace.Not long after the Ikeda Center (originally the Boston Research Center for the 21st Century) was founded, Mr. Ikeda gave the institution the following mottos:Be the heart of a network of global citizens. Be a bridge for dialogue between civilizations. Be a beacon lighting the way to a century of life.