BioGill – a green tech solution to reduce wastewater discharge fees.At BioGill, our goal is to deliver wastewater treatment solutions that are good for the environment and good for the bottom line. We manufacture above ground, attached growth bioreactors that deliver highly effective, low cost and energy efficient wastewater treatment systems.BioGill is a clean tech company established to commercialize advanced water treatment technology developed in the laboratories of the Australian Federal Government Agency, ANSTO. Worldwide patents are now in place with units operating in more than 25 countries, across three continents.Microorganisms are Nature's ultimate decomposers and recyclers, growing best in a high nutrient and high oxygen environment. BioGill bioreactors provide the perfect oxygen-rich environment for microorganisms to thrive and consume nutrients from the water stream.The technology is modular and scalable, with new units easily added as your wastewater volumes grow or as an ideal retrofit option to improve under-performing plants. BioGill units are highly effective at reducing BOD and nutrient loads in wastewater onsite, leading to significant savings in discharge fees and improved environmental operations.