We specialise in the manufacture of Master Gears & Spline Gauges. Produced to sub <5 micron tolerances by master engineering craftsmen whom many have carried on multiple family generations of engineering heritage. Our business operates a highly customer centric approach with quality & delivery performance at the heart of our DNA. Our Global customer base spans a wide spectrum of industries from: Motorsport, Formula 1, High Performance Power-train & Gear Box, Automotive, Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Renewable Energy, Aerospace, Gear & Automation Industry & Defence all of which rely on the Original Gauge brand to delivery a superior & unmatched performance in the industry.As in our name "Original" we very proudly own the manufacture assets, techniques & process of both founding fathers within the UK gauge making sector. Original Gauge Co (Thread Gauges) has evolved from Matrix Churchill which was originally known as Walter Tattler Ltd, Est in 1913 with its origins in gauge & tool. This later became the well known brand Coventry Gauge & Tool, before becoming branded as The Original Gauge Co in 2010. Equally dating back to just post WW2 was Bill Frost who started Perfection Engineering which is where the very first spline gauges emerged, before later becoming Frost Engineering & now the very same equipment, processes & facilities established at 11 Kitts Green Birmingham is home to OGC Master Gear & Gauge Co. Original Gauge Compony (OGC) with heritage dating over 100 years stands proud at the forefront of our brand, representing this significant heritage which signifies pride, passion & engineering excellence. Today we are keepers of this great engineering heritage and stewards of our future skills, resource and technology to meet our global customers demanding requirements & to exceed our customers expectation with our service & performance.