Mithun Chambugong

Executive (Tax & VAT) at Dana Group Bangladesh - Dhaka, Dhaka Division, Bangladesh

Mithun Chambugong's Contact Details
Dana Group Bangladesh
Mithun Chambugong's Company Details
Dana Group Bangladesh logo, Dana Group Bangladesh contact details

Dana Group Bangladesh

Dhaka, Dhaka Division, Bangladesh • 501 - 1000 Employees

DANA GROUP is a global company dedicated to provide products and services of such quality that our customers will re­ceive su­pe­rior value while our em­ploy­ees and busi­ness part­ners will share in our suc­cess. It is our vi­sion to set the stan­dard for qual­ity, ser­vice, com­mit­ment and con­ve­nience in every mar­ket that we serve. Our long ex­pe­ri­ence in sales, ser­vice and man­u­fac­tur­ing will as­sist our cus­tomers to choose the right product with the right investment.The com­pany was found in 1967 by its Chair­man Syed A. K. Ma­sud. It all started with trad­ing com­mod­ity items fol­lowed by sup­ply and ser­vic­ing of con­struc­tion, ir­ri­ga­tion and on site power gen­er­a­tion equip­ments for de­vel­op­ment pro­jects. Within the next cou­ple of decades, the com­pany be­gan its core op­er­a­tion by rep­re­sent­ing world class man­u­fac­tur­ers and turned out it to be one of the lead­ing names in Bangladesh for sup­ply­ing in­dus­trial en­gi­neer­ing equip­ments.

Details about Dana Group Bangladesh
Frequently Asked Questions about Mithun Chambugong
Mithun Chambugong currently works for Dana Group Bangladesh.
Mithun Chambugong's role at Dana Group Bangladesh is Executive (Tax & VAT).
Mithun Chambugong's email address is *** To view Mithun Chambugong's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Mithun Chambugong works in the Automotive industry.
Mithun Chambugong's colleagues at Dana Group Bangladesh are Mdmizanur Rahaman, Azad Rahman, Fahima Akter, Mdimrul Haque, Towneda Prema, Jesba Ellme, Israt Jahan and others.
Mithun Chambugong's phone number is ["2013775952","8801713490163","88029883398","6564526715","88029882225","880258813108","6282299543558","01713092892","88028813108","02222282225","88029882263","88029887085","88029882263","01929918245","88029882225","880241081435","3036947100","88029894500"]
See more information about Mithun Chambugong