(About)Nissho Electronics USA Corporation helps promote Internet and Communications Technology businesses by being your gateway to the Japanese and Asian Markets.(Mission)Nissho Electronics USA Corporation was established and continues our commitment to vastly improving the business development challenges faced by best-in-breed companies when entering the Japanese and Asian market, maintaining a depth of communication between all parties in an effort to efficiently facilitate continual revenue and share growth, and offering essential logistical and financial support services. As a local US presence, Nissho Electronics USA Corporation is also uniquely positioned to find new best-in-breed companies to introduce to the Japanese and Asian market.(Description)Since 1985, Nissho Electronics USA Corporation has sought and supported large American Internet and Communications Technology (ICT) corporations, venture capital concerns, universities, and other research institutions, to act as a gateway for new technologies entering the Japanese and Asian markets. The company also provides suppliers in North America with consulting services concerning the Japanese and Asian markets so that their products can more closely match market needs.