The Thirteen Noir Group, consisting of the UK 13Noir LTD & French 13Noir SAS combine concierge and protection to ensure client saftey and care. Utilising UK and French operatives you can be sure that the care & dedication to your needs will far exceed any expectations.The founding values of 13Noir are based on top quality customer care while ensuring your saftey and security at all times.Small cohesive teams small and cohesive all having worked together regularly. We understand the risks facing each client are unique, and we aim to provide a protective capability that mitigate these risks, whilst providing a secure environment in which the client can conduct their business and personal lives All operatives carry experiance in a range of corporate, high profile and high threat environments.Trained to well above the current SIA UK Licensing system, our officers are trained as a minimum to FPOS-I First Responders, and are accredited advanced drivers though ROSPA or the IAM. French Operatives have appropriate equivalences. Contact 13Noir now for more information on your private protection needs