Pepper Consultants is an independent, full service consultancy. We specialise in providing strategic marketing and systems integration support to leading companies around the world. Our main focus is on the financial services sector, and we also work with clients in the automotive, media and utilities industries. Our success in the financial services sector is understandable. We are different. We combine high calibre financial and marketing expertise on every level, with hands on experience. However, our broad-based skills have also delivered outstanding results for clients in very different industries, from automotive and utilities, to retail and media. When you need a deep understanding of the card industry, Pepper Consultants is number one in its field. Our depth and breadth of knowledge and calibre of consultants, is unparalleled, in all types of consumer card and commercial products - Credit, Charge, Debit and Prepaid - plus working in markets around the world, and you have the perfect team for any card project.Successful strategic alliances are key - often npd is the answer; through intelligent strategic analysis, we create original consumer and commercial propositions by developing innovative, tough-to-copy products that generate compelling propositions. We have an outstanding record for spotting emerging trends early, and potential technology partners to shape powerful new products for our clients; the competition struggle to catch up.