JobVenture is a Social Job Portal which connects Recruiters with other Recruiters and Candidates to match and find perfect job opportunities.By using our Jobventure's platform, Recruiters can reduce costs upto 80% ! Recruiters : Register now and get 10 FREE job postings during the first 30 days of your trial!Jobseekers feel free to create a profile with your details on our platform.We're constantly improving our offering and would like to welcome all our partners to join our platform and benefit from our service.Promote your recruitment brand and generate market awareness while you are on the look for new candidates. Visit and explore our solutions and discover how we can help your : www.Jobventure.comMail : info@Jobventure.comFind us on Social Networks websites :Facebook : :, #Inhouse Recruitment, #Marketing, #Advertising, #Employment, #Connect, #CV search, #Resume Video, #Engage, #Referrals, #Community...