EMPC, a private applied physics company, created, develops, and licenses the NOVICE Software Suite. NOVICE is the industry-leading software to calculate and model radiation transport and effects. The world's major space agencies and private companies license NOVICE and consult with EMPC for critical radiation assurance calculations and 3D design modeling to maximize the performance and lifespan of space systems and discrete components.Extensively mission and experimentally validated (GPS constellation, New Horizons, Juno, SBIRS, Hubble, JWST, Galileo, Voyager, etc. and hundreds of commercial and defense satellites; see attached papers and ResearchGate link), the NOVICE Software Suite:• Fully addresses total dose, damage, upset, charging, Van Allen Belt, solar particle, galactic cosmic ray, and other effects • Interfaces with GEANT4, MCNP, MCNP6, MCNPX, ITS/SPENVIS and other codes • Employs ADJOINT and Forward Monte Carlo among other analysis methods (only NOVICE can perform ADJOINT Monte Carlo analysis for both neutral and charged particles) • Processes +256 CAD files and +200,000 objects simultaneously • Offers an advanced 3D graphical user interface (GUI) using OpenGL with immediate spin response • Offers additional capabilities.Contacts: novice@empc.com; Thomas M. Jordan (tjordan@empc.com); EMPC website contact form: https://empc.com/contact/Note: No entity claiming interoperability or any other interface with NOVICE is authorized to make such claims. EMPC expressly disclaims all such statements. Any entity making such claims has no relationship with EMPC, has no basis verified with EMPC, and is acting without permission.