Expert Neon has a team with awealth of knowledge and expertise insignage production and digital printmanagement collectively spanning over40 years. We are a privately ownedfamily company, and were founded in1991. During that time we've evolved ourbusiness to its present position as oneof the leading signage manufacturersin Dubai & Lahore. Wherever possiblewe have proactively sought newtechnologies and opportunities, andby adopting these into our factory andprocesses, we've stayed at the forefrontof our industry.We pride ourselves on challenges, andinnovation which is at the forefrontof our organization. Our culture isone of continuous improvement, andthis is reflected in our workplaceand the manufacturing process thathas become an integral part of ourbusiness.With a purpose built workshop of 800sqm it gives us the ability to handle anyjob no matter the size. Our client baseis varied from small to multinationalsand work with customers all over theUNITED ARAB EMIRATES.