Newslets Inc. - A new Social Communication Platform. Users of this Platform are segmented into 5 categories as Anonymous User, Social Journalist, Organization, Brand and Celeb. Users will write Posts with visuals and video using a special Format for each category to suit its intrinsic nature. Like Citizen Journalists will report Newslets, Organizations will develop Message, Brands will create Contents, Celebs will churn Notes, and general Users will post Thoughtlets. Newslets differ with usual social media practices in varieties of ways. As for example, Newslets imposes Quota on the numbers of Following. Suppose you have an account in User Category, you cannot Follow more than 39 other User in your own class, because, you will not be able to maintain and develop any meaningful relations should you follow more. Newslets do not encourage indiscriminate connections for the sake of numbers. Each category is uniquely positioned in terms of Following quota so that an environment of effective communication exists for all to benefit from. Newslets eases the way someone can follow objectively! It's all about being conscious and using the power of Locality in an international platform. Newslets's prime force is kept with flow of Posts by all category of users. All Posts will flow to all of Following and Followers. So there is a guarantee that an user's Post will have wider views and thus draw qualitative engagements.