PhD Researcher at TU/e High Tech Systems Center - Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands
The High Tech Systems Center (HTSC) drives research focusing on complex equipment in a multidisciplinary way, with strong emphasis on systems engineering. Systems engineering is the keyword at the HTSC, teaching and innovating the design and syntheses of complex equipment, tools, robotics and systems-of-systems. The applications range is from high-precision equipment to medical robotics, additive manufacturing equipment and agrifoodtech. HTSC performs fundamental research and designs new concepts and prototypes by combining science and engineering capabilities of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science, and Applied Physics. The center's vision on systems engineering provides a unique training ground for today's and future scientific T-shaped engineers (PhD's and PDEng trainees), with in-depth expertise as well as broad systems engineering knowledge. Located in the heart of the Brainport region, but in cooperation with other technical universities and knowledge institutes, HTSC challenges engineers and industry to cooperate in projects on breakthrough innovations and further development on systems engineering to contribute to today's societal needs in energy, sustainability, health and mobility.