Inatex provides expert asset protection services to ensure that you maintain plant safety, avoid unplanned down time and comply with increasingly complex regulatory requirements. Our specialist inspection services and asset protection and condition monitoring technologies allow you to make decisions based on real time analysis of information collected from your operating plant. Inatex specialises in the provision of independent, expert teams for the management and execution of hazardous area audits and inspections; performed during plant construction, as part of a capital expansion project, or during operations as part of an ongoing maintenance program. Armed with our specialist CONNECT® inspection system, our personnel keep you informed every step of the way, with instant progress updates and reporting to your requirements; online and available to you 24×7. Any defects can be reported instantly and detailed information may be passed to your maintenance system for action, delivered by email or accessed directly within CONNECT® itself from anywhere in the world. We distribute Warom Hazardous Area and weather-proof electrical products in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea and provide on-demand Nitrogen Generation services for projects Australia-wide.