Millennia-Vision Consulting is a pioneering and innovating entreprenturial initiative into the world of consultancy/professional services. Established back in 1999, we maintain our thrust into a highly demanding, challenging and competitive marketplace in ME/NA region and worldwide through an expandig networking of partners and associates that give us extended market reach and rich portfolio of offerings.Milennia-Vision is best known for its own internally developed master framework & methodology (MV-BTC), its focus on the full automation, integration and optimization (MV-AIO) of the overall business model, and its proven 3-way business engine (MV-TCS). Millennia-Vision has a proven track record of achievement and success, good citizenship and contribution to the knowledge/skills transfer through specialized articles/reports, participation in conferences and tradeshows and running specialzed workhops.Millennia-Vision Consulting is a not-for-profit initiative and all financial results are re-directed to more market penetration and service improvement.