Culture & Co. provides a suite of cultural consulting and training services to government, not-for-profit and corporate. We are an inspiring team of industry expert consultants and facilitators with firsthand refugee/migrant experienceLet's start with the "WHY"As I started my settlement journey in Australia as a refugee, I experienced and observed many gaps in the settlement and multicultural services sectors. As I got to interact further with the sector as a consultant and an advisor to government and NGO's, I observed further shortcomings:* Many programs are designed without real cultural understanding of their target recipients.* The settlement process is "deficit-based", poorly structured and lacks the agility needed to deal with the educational, cultural and social nuances of different migrant/refugee groups.* Many of the support providers in the sector (especially young people) who come from a multicultural background are engaged mainly as volunteers or in entry-level positions. * The not-for-profit sector is unable to move beyond the "funded program" model, thus unable to centralise knowledge and sustain/scale-up proven programs."HOW" we do itIn establishing Culture & Co. I want to create a positive change in the way the multicultural services programs are designed and delivered. At Culture & CO:* We deliver a range of cultural consulting and cultural awareness training to Government/NGO's/Corporate partners. Our consultants/facilitators are industry experts with lived refugee/migrant experience.* We are working with our settlement services partners to create a holistic, strength-based program, in addition to creating community leadership and capacity building programs* Our entire team of management, consultants, facilitators and staff are from CALD background with lived refugee/migrant experience* We are helping the not-for-profit sector with innovative program designs, centralised knowledge, ICT infrastructure and entrepreneurial approach.