Moharem Khattab

Manager - Sales & Marketing at SAWA for Automatic Parking & Car Lift manfacture - 10th of Ramadan City, Ash Sharqia Governorate, Egypt

Moharem Khattab's Contact Details
SAWA for Automatic Parking & Car Lift manfacture
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SAWA for Automatic Parking & Car Lift manfacture

10th of Ramadan City, Ash Sharqia Governorate, Egypt • 3 Employees

SAWA Parking Systems factory was established as a co-operation between experienced reputable Egyptian entities to establish a new factory in 10th of Ramadan city to be the first factory specialized in manufacturing mechanical Parking system in Egypt, Africa and the middle East, SAWA parking systems has a state-of-the-art facility that design, manufacture and install world-class solutions for automated mechanical car parking and car service lifts to all of our customers around the world.SAWA Parking systems is honored to transfer the experience, know how & the world top notch technology to Egypt to localize smart car parking systems manufacturing with the best unique style and quality, as SAWA believes in SAWA corporate social responsibility towards home land & SAWA participation in Egypt development to make Egypt better and put it among the world technology highest class countries.SAWA parking systems is honored to establish new promising production facility in Egypt to manufacture mechanical smart car parking systems with the aid of its qualified staff of expert engineers and experienced technicians.SAWA parking systems is committed to quality starting from sourcing the best materials & components and utilizing the world latest technology in the field to provide our customers with the best durable, safe, flexible & accurate affordable car parking systems with the highest quality and with the world top manufacturing practices.SAWA integrated parking system services include:1. Planning, designing, manufacturing and finally installing your parking system adapted to any application.2. Managing and operating private car garages equipped with our automatic parking system.3. After-sale services, SAWA stays by your side with a highly-qualified maintenance teams of engineers and technicians for periodic and emergency fixes of your garage. Over and above our research and development team guarantees providing a unique top quality along with best efficient operation

Details about SAWA for Automatic Parking & Car Lift manfacture
Frequently Asked Questions about Moharem Khattab
Moharem Khattab currently works for SAWA for Automatic Parking & Car Lift manfacture.
Moharem Khattab's role at SAWA for Automatic Parking & Car Lift manfacture is Manager - Sales & Marketing.
Moharem Khattab's email address is *** To view Moharem Khattab's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Moharem Khattab works in the Machinery industry.
Moharem Khattab's colleagues at SAWA for Automatic Parking & Car Lift manfacture are Ahmed Zaghlol and others.
Moharem Khattab's phone number is
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