Webonline Dot Com Sdn. Bhd (WOL) registered in 2000. The company objective was to create multi-technology applications. WOL was granted e-Money license by Bank Negara on 22nd December 2006. This license allows WOL collect deposit/pre-paid amounts to issue e-money denominations or instruments to subscribers to transact with participating Merchants, either online or Point of Sale (POS). We are proud to introduce our e-money pre-paid payment system branded as WEBCASH™ . This payment system is targeting micro-payment where credit card is not an ideal payment option. Our target market includes non-credit card users but have the purchasing power to transact in an e-commerce or Point-Of-Sale (POS) environment. The age group will be from 12 years and above. Bank Negara Malaysia approved e-money service provider MSC Malaysia Status Company ISO9001 & ISO27001 Certified