Independent Contractor at MESSENGER service s.r.o. at MESSENGER service s.r.o. - Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic
DID YOU KNOW? 1. Your time and time your assistant is more expensive than the cost of MESSENGER? 2. We deliver the shipment not only in Bratislava, but also throughout the Czech Republic? 3. We have a wide range of transport modes - from cheap delivery during the day to express delivery within 60 minutes? 4. With us you can transport everything from ENVELOPE TO LARGE PACKAGE? 5. We pay for the shipment? 6. We provide the distribution for e-shops including cash on delivery? 7. You can use our services privately - without registration, as a cash payment? 8. Registration does not bind you. It has a lot of benefits: - payment by invoice, - special offers, - easier and faster ordering, - regular service and others. 9. Our parent company in the Czech Republic was founded in 1991?