Vardan EnviroNet is an organization of senior state and central government retired officers from various departments like Pollution Control Board, Mines & Geology, Public Sector Undertakings and various research institutes who have decades of experience in the field of environment, planning, sustainability, pollution control, and mining. The team also comprises of young, dynamic and progress driven environment engineers, civil engineers, chemists, geologists, GIS experts, Ecology & Biodiversity expert and EHS auditors. Vardan is established by eminently experienced environment & mining experts, provides specialised consultancy services. Vardan Group also provides reliable & precise testing of Food, Pharma & Drugs, Environment, Microbiology and Building Material. Vardan is accredited EIA Consultant in India recognised by multiple regulatory bodies such as NABET, MoEF&CC, NABL, Haryana State Pollution Control Board, Food and Drugs Administration. Testing & Consulting Services High quality solutions with diversified experience in the field environment, health and safety. Vardan Group is a leading EIA & EHS accredited consultant by Quality Council of India and Ministry of Environment & Forests (under EP Act 1986). With a man-power of over 175 professionals, the organization comprises of senior retired government officers from various government & private departments who have decades of experience in the field of environmental health safety management. The team also comprises of young, dynamic and progress driven Engineers, Chemists, Geologists, GIS experts, Ecologists and Auditors. Vardan Group also provides reliable and precise testing services for a wide range of environmental parameters such as building materials testing, Food Testing, Pharma and Cosmetics testing, Microbiology testing and Environment testing.