Head Bakery and Pattisserie Trainings at AIBTM Bakery Institute - Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
ASSOCOM INSTITUTE of BAKING TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT is a complete teaching, training, and research facility, with complete set up for practical baking, well-equipped testing laboratory, best teaching facilities, and all that is needed to make a modern institute. Facilities and courses are being designed under guidance from American Institute of Baking. AIB will run its training programs with AIBTM. AIBTM programs where course content and evaluation meets AIB approval will carry Certification from American Institute of Baking. Hyejeon College, South Korea will also offer joint programs on bakery confectionary and sugar craft. Objective of the Institute is to create a centre of excellence, which will work towards up scaling skill-sets in wheat based products, have a quick transfer of innovation from oversees, allow support industries to show case their offerings to the bakeries, and be a hub of incubation of new processes and products. In man power development, focus will be on advance program, and also need based short courses on areas where training may not be generally available.