Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS) is the apex scientific professional body of the scientists having outstanding achievement at home and abroad. The academy was established in 1973 with some internationally renowned scientists like Dr. M. Qudrat-i-Khoda, Professor M.O. Ghani, Professor M.H Khandker and many more. Presently the Academy has 56 Fellows, 15 expatriate fellows and 13 Foreign Fellows of which 6 Fellows are Nobel Laureates, such as Dr. Norman E. Borlaug(Peace) who recently expired, late Professor Abdus Salam (Physics), Professor Richard R. Ernst (Chemistry) Professor Ben R. Mottelson (Physics), Professor Masatoshi Koshiba (Physics) and Prof Dr. Yuan T. Lee (Chemistry), President-elect, IESU. The Academy is is the focal point of the TWAS in Bangladesh and in the Executive Committee of the IAP and NASIC, Vice President of the AASA and a Council Member of the FASAS, It is the focal point for the International Counci for Science (ICSU) in Bangladesh. It organizes national and international seminars, conferences and workshops etc. on issues of national and global importance.