Science Technology Aerospace Robotics Kinetics Laboratories (S.T.A.R.K. Labs) is a Research & Development company focused on developing manufacturing processes from laboratory innovations. A common bond between these fields is the need for improved materials and processes that are better suited for modern needs. Our team is currently working on developing Container Farming units, to help address the nation-wide issues of depleted farmlands, food deserts, and transportation hindrances. Our Container Farms are more sustainable than traditional soil-based farming, for example: Containers use less water and fertilizers by directly infusing plants roots vs. watering and dosing the soil for acres of fields with traditional farming; Containers use artificial lighting and climate control to produce the correct growing conditions year-round vs. seasonal growing limitations with traditional farming; Containers eliminate the need to use toxic pesticides and herbicides due to controlled environment vs. traditional farming which relies on pesticides to protect crops from insects and other pathogens; S.T.A.R.K. Labs has partnered with Saimen Group to mass-produce our custom parts, which will be locally assembled into our Container Farms. Saimen is ISO 27001 certified--relating to proprietary information management and security—this partnership maximizes growth and reduces our business risk for international parts manufacturing with Asian-Pacific countries.