We are a well established company, founded in 2005, which consists of fifteen staff who deliver the platinum level of administrative support to consultant surgeons, anaesthetists, radiologists, and physicians, across the UK for their private practice. We put patients first; their journey, their care, and making them feel in control – that is our priority. The consultant and their needs come a very close second, but we find that happy patients make a happy consultant. We have mastered the art of working not only on-site (for Spire Bristol Hospital consultants), but also remotely for a host of consultants UK wide. We work with a large number of London based consultants, providing them with a unique, reliable, cost effective support system for their private practice. Our speciality is looking after consultants who see patients across many sites. Because we position ourselves as the only point of contact for their practice, we find the consultants practice becomes a streamlined business with smooth patient pathways at its heart. We can help with anything that makes the consultants lives easier and their patients happier