The Presbyterian Church of Mount Kisco is a welcoming Christian community. We believe in the importance of family, social justice, compassion for one another and spiritual values nurtured through our ministries of worship, education and fellowship. We believe in the dignity and divine worth of every human being. Each of us has known different life experiences. Each of us has different strengths and weaknesses, gifts and abilities. Our vision of God's community is one of diversity, redemption, and grace. The head of our church is Jesus Christ. The heart of our church is found within the people. Faith, hope, and love sustain us on our journey, and the greatest of these is love. We believe that God has yet more love to be discovered, more truth to be known, and more light to illumine our way. Thus, we come here to examine our values and expand our vision. We come here to pray, to praise and to give thanks. We come here to experience the church gathered so that we can better experience the church dispersed. We come here to worship God.