BP Capital Group provides Commercial and Business Lending Advisory Services to Small-Medium sized Businesses, Investors and High Net worth Individuals Nationwide.In addition to government and conventional sources, our knowledge and experience with many innovative and proactive commercial funding sources allow us to service our clients in a more professional manner and more importantly, we produce results!We also have extensive experience in loan workouts and a proven track record of working with clients AND banks to reposition commercial notes and properties that the current bank can no longer address. Our noteworthy team of progressive lenders is actively and aggressively lending to assist us with this process. Check out our most recent successes on our website at www.bpcapitalgroup.com.If you currently have a note that is maturing in the next two to five years, please contact us. Don't wait until your current lender makes the choice for you. We can assist you NOW in repositioning your property or asset to another lender who wants and appreciates your business and more importantly, wants to help you succeed!In the meantime, we are working to ready new programs for 2015 and will be releasing info on these programs in the days ahead so please keep in touch. We look forward to making 2015 the year of positive change and growth for all of those that we assist. Contact us today to discuss how we can assist in making 2015 a year of progress and success for you!