We are an outpatient pain management and wellness center providing Chiropractic care, therapeutic massage, and acupuncture. We treat patients with common conditions such as whiplash, headaches, disc problems, upper and lower limb injuries, neck/lower back pain, as well as sports related injuries. Oxford Physical Wellness Clinic's treatment philosophy is catered to your individual needs, maximizing your physical potential by relieving your body of pain and allowing proper movement patterns. We believe that during rehabilitation, the patient should be educated by their therapist in order to be able to maintain maximum flexibility and pain-free living long after our work ends. Most persistent pain problems people experience are due to how they use their body on daily basis. Common muscle imbalances and joint dysfunction/ misalignments develop over time and need to be corrected by a combination of manual therapy and directed exercise to improve posture, core strength, and balance. Manual therapy may consist of boney adjustments/manipulation and/or muscle nerve release techniques. You'll be properly educated about the anatomy of your injury so you understand what's happening in your body. You will also learn specific exercises to control your body properly and help prevent future problems. Our therapists have successfully worked with all types of injuries and we work on patients of any age. We have specialized programs for youth athletics as well as special needs, children, and pregnancy.